Effective Ways to Reduce Noise from a Sand Blasting Dust Collector

30 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

The small steps you take towards making your sand blasting area as comfortable as possible ensure fewer frustrations and higher productivity. You will be more willing to work with your blasting equipment rather than frown at it. However, if you use a sand blasting cabinet, then you will probably understand how frustrating it can get to deal with the noise from the dust collector. If left unchecked, a noisy dust collector will make your blasting experience annoying and consequently affect the quality of work. Therefore, you must find ways to reduce noise levels. This article looks at the various strategies that you can implement to reduce the noise from a sand blasting dust collector.

Use a Longer Dust Collector Hose — When sand blasting metal in a sand blasting cabinet, the dust is pumped out via a hose that is connected from the cabinet to the dust collector. It is made possible by the compressor that is connected to the collector. Therefore, if the dust collector hose is short, then you will be forced to work close to the apparatus and endure the high noise levels. One solution to the problem is to replace the shot dust collector hose with a longer piece. It allows you to move the dust collector far from the cabinet and your working space. For instance, if the dust collector is inside your workshop, a longer hose will enable you to move it outside the workshop. It is considered the easiest solution for managing excess noise from a dust collector.

Dust Collector Blower Silencers — Also referred to as mufflers, dust collector blower silencers are very effective at dampening the noise from a dust collector. However, before you use a silencer or muffler on your dust collector, you must first ensure that it is compatible with your system. The reason for this is that silencers are not a one-size-fits-all solution, and careful consideration must be made to match noise reduction techniques to the apparatus in question. For example, if your dust collector has an open exhaust system, then a dust collector blower silencer is appropriate. However, the same silencer is not effective when used on a closed loop sand blasting system.

Acoustic Wraps — Other than the blower noise from a dust collector, the casing material in use can cause excessive noise. For instance, sheet metal casing can vibrate quickly thereby amplifying sound waves onto the walls of your workshop. According to experts, noise from dust collector casing vibrations is challenging to dampen primarily because of the large surface area of most casings. An excellent solution to this problem is wrapping the dust collector with acoustic wraps. Loaded with vinyl noise barriers, acoustic covers do an outstanding job in dampening the noise from a dust collector.
